What We Believe

It's not about us, it's all about CHRIST!

Core Beliefs

  • We believe the Bible, and only the King James 1611 Bible, is verbally and plenarily inspired and preserved, and that it is authoritative for all matters of faith and life for English speaking people. 
  • We believe in one triune God, perfect, infinite and eternally existing as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • We believe God directly created the existing universe and all creation in six literal 24-hour days without pre-existing substance.
  • We believe in the LORD Jesus Christ is very God, the second Person of the Trinity; born of a virgin, lived an absolutely sinless earthly life, shed His precious and perfect blood and died on the cross for the sin of mankind; was buried and rose from the dead to live forever.
  • We believe that man is born a sinner by nature and can be reconciled to God only through a personal repentance from sin and faith in the blood atonement offering of the LORD Jesus Christ and His resurrection.
  • We believe that a TRUE Scriptural Baptist Church is a called out, local, independent, unaffiliated, autonomous, visible, organized body of regenerated and Scripturally persons. And that the church propagates itself by evangelizing the lost and starting other like-minded churches following the model of the first Church made up of the Apostles.
  • We believe that there are two ordinances of the TRUE Scriptural Baptist Church, Baptism (by full submersion), and the LORD’s Supper for the Church membership only with the elements being non-alcoholic grape juice and unleavened bread.
  • We believe in the imminent return of the LORD Jesus Christ to gather all who are spiritually regenerated unto Himself, prior to a great tribulation on earth which will be followed by the Millennial reign of Christ on the earth.
  • We believe there awaits a literal Hell and subsequent Lake of Fire for every person who dies in their sins unconverted, who had not received the LORD Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Saviour by repentance and faith.

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